Dear Future Nursing Students,
Welcome to this nursing course! I’m excited that we will be
learning together! I will be supportive and encouraging as you navigate the
world of education and journey toward your goal of becoming a nurse. I will provide a safe
learning environment where you will explore new ideas and feel comfortable
asking questions.
you heard of student-centered learning? It was a new idea to me until recently.
This approach focuses on the student while the teacher facilitates the learning
process. You will actively engage in your learning experience instead of
passively receiving instruction from me. Our learning
activities will generate an atmosphere of creativity and exploration instead of
just sitting and listening to lectures. This will be a challenging process where you build your own
knowledge from previous learning experiences and apply it to your nursing
practice. Our class will be an exciting,
student-centered environment where students work together in teams to collaborate and learn from each
goal is to use creative teaching strategies that will make the learning
experience fun and interesting. Prior to exploring
the use of technology in nursing education, I wasn’t aware of the many
innovative resources available! Together we will discover virtual worlds, blogging,
Glogster, Voki, wikis, Moovly, serious gaming, high-fidelity simulations and so
much more! Throughout
this class you will learn to create, evaluate, and
effectively use information, media, and technology. As a result, you will develop the technology competencies that are essential for 21st century nursing practice.
I have a strong commitment to ensuring that my students are well prepared for their work in a changing healthcare environment. As your teacher, I will strive to be a source of encouragement and guidance as you prepare to be a professional nurse. I hope you will be stretched and challenged as you learn and yet increasingly confident in your ability to be an excellent nurse.
Best Wishes,
Your Future Nurse Educator
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